Hudson Street, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 2HS


Accrington Woodnook Primary School

The Woodnook Curriculum


At Woodnook, we have built our curriculum and learning offer around our vision and values:

“Together we are FAIR in all that we do.”

Friendship    Aspire    Independence   Respect

We believe that it is crucial to develop each pupil as a whole person, offering a broad curriculum which will prepare each individual child for their future regardless of their starting point. We offer a range of opportunities designed to increase social and cultural capital within our school community providing experiences that we hope will inspire our pupils and their families. Our school community is diverse, with pupils from a range of ethnicities and cultures. We celebrate this diversity and ensure that the curriculum we offer promotes tolerance and respect for one another.

Our Curriculum drivers help to drive and shape our curriculum and are incorporated across all subjects and themes. Our Drivers are:

Through effective design and planning, our curriculum ensures that learning is sequential, progressive and purposeful in all areas. Our curriculum allows for pupils to build upon their existing knowledge whilst also developing skills to facilitate the acquisition of future learning.

Our curriculum takes into account the statutory documents – National Curriculum 2014 and the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and where appropriate, we use other non-statutory documents to support the teaching and learning in individual year groups, e.g. Development Matters and Birth to Five in EYFS.

For more able pupils, teachers provide a greater level of challenge. We expect these pupils to work with a greater deal of independence and provide a deeper level of understanding, applying knowledge and skills across the curriculum. Pupils should be encouraged to set their own questions, offer ideas, suggest solutions or explanations, and reflect on what they have heard, seen or done in order to clarify their thoughts.

Pupils with SEND are catered for appropriately according to the nature of each subject area. Further information can be found in our SEND and Inclusion area.

Pupils’ efforts and achievements are celebrated each Friday during our Award Assembly where certificates are given to pupils who have demonstrated one of our school values or achieved well. End of term certificates recognise the efforts and achievements in relation to the whole child.

We use materials for teaching which avoid stereotyping, and bias, towards race, gender, role or disability.

In order to measure the impact of our school curriculum, data from teacher assessments is provided for the Senior Leadership Team for Maths and English on a termly basis. This data is analysed to develop next steps and ensure accountability. All other subject leaders collect data for their subject area at the end of each unit and use it to adapt future learning or support teaching staff.

Every subject leader is required to provide a written report to Governors on a termly basis, providing information on pupil attainment / impact of actions taken and inform Governors of how their subject is progressing within school. As per SACRE requirements, RE data is collected by the RE subject leader for Years 2 and 6 at the end of year to provide end of Key Stage judgements. The end of Key Stage Expectations for RE are made clear in the End of Key Stage One and End of Key Stage Two Expectations documents. Pupils in EYFS are assessed against the Early Learning Goals outlined in the EYFS Framework and these judgements help to complete the EYFSP.


Further information regarding our Woodnook School Curriculum can be found on each of the subject area pages.