Mathematics at Woodnook
The aim of our Mathematics curriculum is to ensure that our children have access to a high-quality Maths curriculum that develops understanding, fluency, reasoning and competence in solving problems. The children at Woodnook have a vocabulary rich Mathematical environment, which enables discussion and making links to develop a deep understanding of number. As instructed by the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (2021) and the National Curriculum (2021) for Maths, we aim for all children to meet the standards as out-lined for each stage.
Maths at Woodnook begins by building a deep understanding of number in EYFS as the children learn about each number in turn, using a range of resources and songs, while making links to other areas of the wider Maths curriculum (e.g. shape, time, measure, position). From Year 1, we follow Lancashire's Red Rose Mastery Maths.
Find out more by following the links below or reading our Maths at Woodnook document.
Click on the links below to see our Maths Policy and how mental and written calculations are developed throughout school.
If you need further support on how best to help your child, then please speak to either myself (Mrs. Harvey) or the class teacher.