Hudson Street, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 2HS


Accrington Woodnook Primary School

Woodnook Behaviour Curriculum

"The Woodnook Way"

Good behaviour in schools is central to a good education. Schools need to manage behaviour well so they can provide calm, safe and supportive environments which children and young people want to attend and where they can learn and thrive. Being taught how to behave well and appropriately within the context they’re in is vital for all pupils to succeed personally.

(Behaviour in schools guidance, 2022)

Aims of the Behaviour Curriculum

At Woodnook Primary we develop children’s character through our behaviour curriculum. In order to build character, we define the behaviours and habits that we expect students to demonstrate. We want to support our pupils to grow into adults who are polite, respectful, grateful and who always consider others. We believe that as pupils practise these behaviours, over time they become automatic routines that positively shape how they feel about themselves and how other people perceive them.


How the curriculum will be delivered


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

All Year Groups

Explicit teaching of the full behaviour curriculum content.

Ongoing revision of content.

Longer recap of the behaviour curriculum.

Ongoing revision of content.

Longer recap of the behaviour curriculum.

Ongoing revision of content.

Impact – How do we know our curriculum is effective?

  • A calm environment when you walk around school with happy children who are working hard.
  • The role models of the staff are consistent.
  • The enjoyment the children have from praise.
  • Parental and Pupil Questionnaire responses.
  • The high standard of manners, greetings and responses from all .
  • The high standard of behaviour, commented on, outside school on trips and by visitors to the school.
  • Talking to children about their own individual behaviours and the ability to reflect on their behaviours.

Our routines – The Woodnook Way

Gaining the attention of pupils

Our staff use a silent signaller to gain the attention of the class.

This is done by raising one hand.

 When pupils see this, they should respond by being stopping what they are doing, putting everything down and raising their hand.

Walking around school

Know that we walk around school using Wonderful Walking Know that Wonderful Walking means

•Facing forward

•Walking in a straight line

•Hands by side

 •Without talking

•Without leaning on walls whilst waiting

 Know that we use Wonderful Walking to keep everyone safe in school and to make sure the learning of other children is not disrupted as people move around school.

Arriving at school at the beginning of the day

Know that I arrive on time to school.

Know that I walk calmly to our classrooms.

 Know that I greet staff with  a ‘good morning’.

 Know that I hang my coat up and put my lunchbox away.

Know that once I have entered the classroom, I do not leave again unless I have asked a member of staff.

Know that I sit down in my seat as soon as I have entered the classroom and begin the morning task.

Using Good Manners

Know that I should always say ‘please’ when I am asking for something.

 Know that I should always say ‘thank you’ when I receive something or someone does something nice for me.

Know that I should say ‘Good morning/afternoon’ to adults if spoken to.

 Know that it is important to show gratitude to others by thanking people for what they have done for me.

Know that a calm and polite tone is respectful.

Playtime Behaviour

Know that I must walk from my classroom to the playground using Wonderful Walking.

 Know that I must play safely without hurting anyone.

 Know that I do not ‘play fight’ because I may hurt someone by accident.

 Know that I must be kind, by including people in my games and sharing equipment.

 Know that someone who is kind behaves in a gentle, caring, and helpful way towards other people.

Know that, when called, I must line straight away.

 Know that I must walk back to my classroom using Wonderful Walking


Know that I use Wonderful Walking when walking to the hall.

Know that I collect my food and sit down straight away.

Know that I should use a normal talking volume when in the hall.

 I should not be raising my voice.

Know that I should try to use a knife and fork correctly.

 Know that I use good manners by saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when someone gives me my food or a drink.

 Know that I should not leave my seat once I have sat down.

Know that once I have finished, I clear any rubbish from my table and empty any left over food into the correct bin.

Know that I use Wonderful Walking when walking from the dining hall to the playground.

General classroom expectations

Know that I should not be leaving my seat during a lesson unless I have asked to do so.

Know that I should be using the toilet at break and lunchtime so as not to interrupt learning time. Know that I should not have any objects on the table that distract me from my learning.

Know that it is my responsibility to keep my table clear from clutter.

Know that I have a responsibility to ensure that the classroom is kept tidy.

 Know that I should not talk when the teacher is delivering a lesson or another pupil has been asked to talk as this will stop myself and others from learning